
Family Genealogy & History since 1100 a.d.


Bourchier's have very noble early English and French ancestral connections with many Knights, Lords, Earls, Barons, Viscounts, an Archbishop of Canterbury and marriages into the Royal Houses of Howard, Plantagenet, Kynvet, Mowbray and Louvain. Other positions of High Office include Standard Bearer to Richard I, Keeper of the Great Seal, Constable of the Tower of London, Chancellor of the Exchecher and Governor of Calais.

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English Bourchier's in later years include 3 generations in 1700's of Edward Bourchier's as Reverends of St. Andrews Parish Church Halsteasd Essex, John Bourchier b1747 Captain of Royal Navy and Governor of Greenwich Hospital, Henry Bourchier b1787 Rear Admiral, with other Naval Officers; George Bourchier b1821, General in Kings Military, Raymond Bourchier b1880 Colonel and D.S.O. recipient WW1, Claud Thomas Bourchier b1831, V.C. recipient Crimean War, Arthur Bourchier b1863, noted Actor, along with many other dignitaries and holders of high office.

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Ireland Bourchier connections include General Sir George Bourchier b1535 d1605 married Martha Howard fourth daughter of Lord William Howard Baron Effingham. He built the BOURCHIER Castle still standing though in poor repair at Lough Gur County Limmerick. James David Bourchier b1850 d1921 in Bulgaria with which country he had strong ties and had a postage stamp struck in his honor, John Bourchier b 1755 d1817, Major General R.A.and his sons Daniel McNamara Bourchier b 1788, Major R.A., Sir Thomas Bourchier KCB. b1791 d1849, Rear Admiral R.N. Hugh Plunket Bourchier b1794, Colonel Royal Welsh Rifles. Other descendants of this illustrious family held high services ranks. Many losses of lives resulted from the devastating famine of the early 1800's, Bourchier's did not escape this terrible time but most migrations to America, Canada and Australia from this peril were from the village and farmlands of Mount Shannon on the shore of Lough Derg on the Shannon River, a picturesque place today.

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Australian Bourchier descendants in later years include Sir Murray William James Bourchier DSO.b1881, (see below) Brigadier who lead the Australian Lighthorse Charge on the Beersheeba Wells in WW1,

Murray Goulburn Bourchier b1925, Australian Ambassador, serving overseas posts including Korea and Moscow during the 50's. George Enwright Bourchier b1840, substantial landholder in the Charlton District of Victoria where he was elected to the Parliamentary Legislative Assembly in 1885, member of Korong Shire Council for 9 years and Chairman of Avoca United Water Works Trust. John William Bourchier b1929, Member of House of Representatives (Lib.) Federal Parliament for Bendigo Victoria , Graham William Bourchier b1938, District Governor Lions Clubs Victoria, 1988/89 and 1995/96.

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Bourchier's migrated to Canada from United Kingdom mostly as Family Groups from the early 1800's. Another noteable migration from Mount Shannon, (Co. Galway then) but now Co. Clare, Ireland to Canada was that of John Bouchier bc1798, 21 children from 3 marriages, 9 by his first wife Anna Maria Woods, 5 by his second wife Eliz. (Bessy) Mulligan and 7 by his third wife Sarah Wurtel White. His name was initially spelt Bouchier and changed in Canada to Boucher.

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Information gathered by Noel Bourchier from various souces